What we do

FMIS offers mediation for those who want a controllable and cost-effective way of resolving the disagreements which can arise from relationships that have broken down - without the need for a Court to be involved.

Mediation involves an independent third party - a mediator - who helps both parties where communication has broken down to achieve agreement wherever possible. Through a structured process mediators encourage parties to reach practical proposals for property, finance, and parenting of children.

Mediation can assist in helping parties decide on the timing of a separation or divorce. The procedure and cost of divorce can also be considered.

Legal Aid

FMIS is contracted to the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) to provide publicly funded (also called Legal Aided) mediation, either by referral through solicitors or by direct contact.

The general rule is that if you have a disposable income of less than £169 a week calculated by taking your net income and deducting maintenance paid, housing costs and child-minding costs and particular fixed rate allowances for dependents and work expenses, then you will qualify for publicly funded mediation.

If one party is eligible, then the LAA meets the entire cost of that person's mediation.

The introductory assessment meeting and the first mediation session are both also free to the private (non eligible) party.

There is a Legal Aid eligibility calculator at http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Governmentcitizenrights/GettingLegalAdvice/DG_195314

A publicly funded client is not required to repay mediation costs at any time. This is not like the position with regard to the legal costs of litigation, which have to be repaid immediately or in the future.

Charges for non-eligible parties

Information on the charges FMIS makes for clients who are not eligible for Legal Aid is in our leaflet The Costs of Mediation.

Contact Us

01273 694661
(9.30am to 5.30pm Mon to Fri)


Locations throughout Sussex